Thursday, May 15, 2008


I want to mention how I am fascinated by one particular aspect of technology. How everything is getting smaller. How a simple flip phone can play MP3s and even MP4s. I can even watch TV shows on my phone (If I want to shell out the cash to do so), how my pocket PC can perform things that I used to be only able to do on my PC or Notebook.
I have spent hours finding free applications to use on my Pocket PC and I find that even though limited in processing power, a Pocket PC had so many possibilities.
I can carry a PC in my Pocket!


I believe that the teaching of evolution is the greatest conspiracy ever. Even bigger than the alleged "conspiracy" found in the pages of the Da Vinci code. There is much scientific evidence that proves that evolution is not true, for example the fact that proteins (the building blocks of life) do not occur naturally.

"British cosmologist Sir Fred Hoyle was an atheistic evolutionist when he began his inquiry into the chances of a living thing evolving from chemical. (He has since greatly changed his view.) Hoyle has said that if you filled the solar system shoulder-to-shoulder with blind men shuffling Rubik’s cubes randomly (this would mean 1050 blind men), the chances of getting one simple long chain molecule of the type on which life depends is the same as all of those blind men simultaneously achieving the solution by random shuffling! "

I will just make this one point for today. This article can be found at :

This is my first Blog

I am not sure if anyone will even read what I have to say. I really have to ponder what I want to say to such a public audience. I guess that is why I had not considered blogging. I guess this will be an oportunity to use the blog as my soapbox. Hopefully someone will find some interest in what I have to say.